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Pack Detox


Fuxion 5-day Detox Program is a complete program created specifically to help you improve the detoxifying functions it has, promoting its normal functioning.


* Make your self-cleaning system work so that it works optimally.

* Remove toxins from the body.

* Prevent chronic diseases.

* Helps you feel lighter.


* Adults and young people in general who need to cleanse their body.


- 3 prunex.

- 2 liquid fiber.

- 3 alpha balance.

- 1 flora light.

- 5 rexet.

- 1 berry balance.

- 1 thermo t3.

-7 protein active fit.

- 3 protein xoup.

- 5-day cleaning plan.


- Prepare and consume the food following the indications of the 5-day program (the detail comes in a primer inside the package).

- Complement the meals with the Fuxion drinks, according to the schedules indicated by the 5-day cleaning program (the detail comes in a card inside the package).

COST (Valid in Peru)

Cash S / 159.00

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Pack Detox de Fuxion
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